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Top tips for getting the most out of Kudos

Written by Lauren McNeill | Apr 15, 2016 10:30:21 AM

First impressions count, and with over 2 million new publications added to the literature every year, it is important that your work stands out to readers, and can be readily understood.

A recent study revealed that proactively explaining and sharing work increases downloads by 23%

It can take as little as 10 minutes to claim, explain and share your work using the Kudos toolkit. Here are some top tips to make getting started easy!

Tip 1

You can connect your ORCID account to your Kudos account to easily bring all of your publications together. If you do not have an ORCID, we suggest you start by finding one of your publications to explain and share.

Tip 2

When using Kudos for the first time, try not to claim all of your work in one go. Claim one publication, explain it in plain language using the ‘explain’ tools, share your work online and then measure the effects of this in your ‘Author Dashboard’. You can then go back and claim your other work with a good idea of how to effectively explain your work, with some real-time insight into which sharing channels (Twitter, for example) attract most attention to your work.

Tip 3

Researchers are using Kudos not only for newly published work, but also to draw attention to older research - using the ‘explain’ tools to set it in the context of how the field has developed since the work was published. The Kudos blog has a useful step by step, to guide you through the explain tools: ‘How to explain your work – the Kudos way’.

Tip 4

You don’t need to be a social media genius for Kudos to work for you; several of our researchers are achieving higher views and downloads of their work simply by sharing links over email. Kudos recently published some useful blog posts: 'Getting started on social media’ and 'How to build a social media following’ on the Kudos blog series ‘Improve your results’.

Tip 5

Get your co-authors involved! Inviting co-authors to leave their own perspective, gives readers a broader understanding of the publication and what it’s about. Co-authors can then use the sharing tools provided in the Kudos toolkit, to share the publication with their own network of people, which again, will increase the work’s impact amongst a wider audience.

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