Kudos Referral Leaderboard
The Kudos referral leaderboard ranks the top 10 Kudos authors who have successfully referred the most new users to Kudos. To find out how to get.
Our recently launched “Test your research impact muscles” game contains a wealth of suggestions for how you can build your knowledge of research.
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As the emphasis on research impact grows, are you getting the support you need to maximize the chances of your work having impact? Do you know what .
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The pressure to create and demonstrate impact for your work means you have to work harder to ensure it is found, read, applied and cited. But you.
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Rightly or wrongly, publications are a critical part of researchers’ career development. It’s still the case in most disciplines and countries that a.
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First impressions count, and with over 2 million new publications added to the literature every year, it is important that your work stands out to.
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Building up followers in social media can seem like a daunting task. Growing readership for your online postings takes time, but there are little.
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Sharing a link on social media is a common way in which researchers achieve more visibility for their work; using a trackable link generated by Kudos.
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Why might you want to explain your work in plain language? There is growing evidence that explaining your work in plain language can help increase.
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