The big news that was "simmering under" in my last post is announced today. I have been invited to join the team blogging at The Scholarly Kitchen, which is run by a group of volunteers from across the scholarly information sector on behalf of the Society for Scholarly Publishing. It's a well-known and widely read blog, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. My first posting is now live - some thoughts on gender equality. This is not typical of the themes I will espouse; in my past 10 years of blogging, I've mused on marketing themes for TBI's Touchpaper blog, covered conferences for UKSGLive, and talked tech at Ingenta's AllMyEye. It's going to be difficult to add anything new at The Scholarly Kitchen - they're a prolific and thoughtful bunch - but I'm hoping to focus on identifying and discussing examples of communications and marketing excellence. I may also post the occasional conference round-up (such as what I might take away from ER&L, where I am today!) If you aren't already following the Kitchen, then do take a look, and look out for me there!

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