Attending the Experimental Biology conference?
Kudos will be exhibiting at the Experimental Biology conference in San Diego from 22nd - 24th April, and would love you to pop by stand 1037 and grab.
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Kudos on tour 2018
It has been a busy start to the year, and 2018 is set to get even busier as we attend a number of key industry events around the world! We look.
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Grab your free Kudos Admin pass at the upcoming ARMA Conference and discover your researchers’ outreach efforts
Kudos is constantly reaching out to institutions to help them support and motivate their researchers to do more outreach, and increase the impact of.
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The Good Researcher's Guide to Publishing -22nd February
On Wednesday 22nd February, the IET Good Researcher's Guide to Publishing will be taking place at Savoy Place, London.
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Kudos on tour 2017
We've already planned and even started to attend some of this year's big events. We're excited to get out there and meet some new and familiar faces!.
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Calling all BES delegates - what's on your "impact checklist"?
Will you be attending the British Ecological Society’s annual meeting in Liverpool, UK next month? If so, we’d like to invite you to participate in a.
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Kudos on tour: where we'll be in late 2016
And just like that, Summer's gone. However, there is still lots to be excited about and the next few months will see us attending a variety of big.
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Broadening the visibility of your research: ideas from a workshop at the 2016 ARMA conference
Rightly or wrongly, publications are a critical part of researchers’ career development. It’s still the case in most disciplines and countries that a.
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Kudos on tour: summer 2016
We're nearly half way through the year already and there is lots going on! As well as attending publishing and institutional events, Kudos is excited.
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Kudos on tour 2016
It has been a busy start to the year, and we have already attended a number of events around the world! It is an exciting time, with lots in the.
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Kudos on tour 2015: the final round up
The end of the year is approaching quickly (already!) and we have managed to pack in quite a lot for the last part of 2015.
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Thinking out of the box for the Altmetric conference
This week, I shall mostly be at the 2:AM Conference in Amsterdam, organized by our friends at Altmetric. In celebration of that, I have created.
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Kudos on tour! Where we’ll be in late 2015
It occurs to me it’s about time for another update on where you can find the Kudos team in the near future.
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Conference season - find us at events old and new
It's conference season in the academic / information world, and we're out on the road with the best of them. If you want to talk about increasing the.
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Spring growth for Kudos: more publishers and researchers, final call for institutional pilot partners
March 17th, 2015 – Kudos, which helps researchers maximize the impact and visibility of their publications, has announced the latest publishers and.
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Social tools for research - a tweet summary from ER&L
I'm fresh off the podium at ER&L - a tricksy session with my co-presenter Jill Emery on Skype and unable to hear us, though happily we could hear.
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Lots to say, lots of places to say it
Isn't the year flying by? We've already completed several speaking engagements including David presenting Kudos as "one to watch" at APE (slides) and.
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Where will our paths cross in 2015?
Happy New Year! Hope you all enjoyed some rest, and some fest, and have chosen your resolutions for the year ahead (ours is 1280 x 1024 ... groan)..
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On the road again: where Kudos will be during AW14-15
My unexpected speaking engagement at last week's SpotOn London has reminded me that it's time to give you another round-up of where you can find us.
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Kudos wins The Charleston Advisor’s Readers’ Choice Award for Best New End User Product
October 27th, 2014 – Kudos, which helps researchers and institutions maximize the impact and visibility of their publications, has been named “Best.
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Faring well at the Bookfair: Kudos' first full-on Frankfurt
Even in age of virtual meetings, of global expansionandBRICs and MINTs and CIVETS, the Frankfurt Bookfair thrives - an essential occasion for the.
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On the move: forthcoming Kudos events
It's September, and that means the publishing industry is getting itself back into gear for another season of conferences and trade shows. The Kudos.
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